Week of March 10, 2024

5 sets
8 Deadlifts (go up from last week)
8 Heels Elevated Goblet Squat

5 Rounds
Min 1: 8 Cal Bike
Min 2: 8 Pushups + 8 V-Ups
Min 3: Max Distance Farmer Carry #35’s
Min 4: Rest

24-18-12 not for time
Strict Press
Strict Pullup

5 Rounds for time
12 Wall Balls
22 Lunges
12 Deadlifts (weight should be 60% of your max)
22 Double Unders

Strength Circuit in the Pit
3 Sets
Back Attack


4 sets
6 Heavy DB Bench Press

AMRAP 11 min
100ft Slam Ball Carry with 30# Ball
11 Ball Slams
1 min Plank

Rowing Intervals - every 4 minutes for 12 minutes
500m Row

4 Sets within a 4 minute window
400m Run
30 Double Unders
15 Push Press 55#
Remaining time complete as many front squats as possible
Rest 2 minutes